Pohl Snjezana
Dr. Prof. Snjezana POHL is both doctor of human and dental medicine.
She is a specialist in oral surgery and EDA certificated specialist for periodontology and implantology. Currently she is head of the Department for Oral Surgery in the private clinic Rident, Croatia. Designated as an assistant professor, she additionally is giving lectures at the Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology at the School of Dental Medicine of the University of Rijeka. Since 2015, she is a DentalXP expert and a worldwide lecturer in dental meetings.
As an active lecturer and author of scientific papers, in the fields of implantology and periodontology, she underlines the importance of minimally invasive techniques, especially in a comprehensive treatment methodology, based upon preservation of tissues.
These techniques include Partial Extraction Therapies, Autogenous Tissue Utilization, Osseodensification and others. She is author of two techniques: mIVAN technique and Buccal sliding palatal flap for wound closure after grafting procedures.
Invited Speaker and Faculty at IDEA Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy, Foster City, California, U.S.A. and invited Speaker NYU College of Dentistry Italian Graduates Association.