29 Aprile 2024

XXXIV ANNUAL MEETING – VENEZIA: Chirurgia, Protesi, Implantoprotesi e Ortodonzia con Tecnologie Avanzate

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Quota di iscrizione: € 350,00 + IVA (€ 427,00)


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Interdisciplinary dentistry is the most effective means by which to deliver the highest level of service to our patients. Whether addressing specific cosmetic concerns, or providing advanced restorations and oral rehabilitation, coordinated efforts “improve” and maximize treatment outcomes. The faculty will focus on diagnosis, treatment planning and execution of therapy, both from the unique perspective of the restorative dentist, the periodontist and the surgeon, and from the higher level of understanding attained through their synergistic interactions in the exciting new Era of Digital Dentistry!
— Advanced perio plastic surgery in daily practice
— CAD/CAM softwares in digital dentistry
— Digital prosthodontics
— LASERS in daily Periodontics to improve your office
— efficiency and success
— 3D printing and bioprinting in dentistry
— Static and dynamic guided implant surgery
— Robotic in Dentistry
— Sinus lift histomorphometric analysis evidence based results

NYU Faculty
Dott. Prof. Saverio RAVAZZOLO

NYU Invited Speakers
Dott. Prof. Snjezana Pohl

Clinical Coordinators “NYU Tutor Project in Italy 2022”
Dott. Prof. Snjezana Pohl
Dott. Matteo Callegari
Dott. Roberto Conte
Prof. Rolando Crippa
Dott. Emiliano Ferrari
Dott. Mauro Iorio
Dott. Pierpaolo Romano
Prof. Carlo Maria Soardi
Dott. Ernesto Vatteroni


Friday, May 3rd – 9.30 – 18.15

9.30 – 10.00Prof. H.K. Beacham – Prof. Saverio Ravazzolo – OPENING
10.00 – 10.45Dott. Mauro IORIO – Cad cam in office system 2024
10.45 – 11.30Dott. Emiliano FERRARI – Il Trattamento Dei Pazienti Abrasi: DVO e Corretta Posizione Di Lavoro
11.30 – 12.00COFFEE BREAK
12.00 – 12.45Prof. Carlo Maria SOARDI- Sinus Lift: il comportamento dei biomateriali, vantaggi e svantaggi
12.45 – 14.00LUNCH BREAK
14.00 – 14.45Dott. Pierpaolo ROMANO – Approccio Razionale Alla Scelta Tecnica Per La Chirurgia Mucogengivale
14.45 – 15.30Dott. Matteo CALLEGARI – From planning to final with digital workflow, 3D print use in home production
15.30 – 16.00COFFEE BREAK
16.00 – 16.45Prof. Rolando CRIPPA – Sistematica del trattamento laser conservativo nella malattia parodontale e perimplantiti
16.45 – 17.30Dott. Ernesto VATTERONI – Approccio multidisciplinare al trattamento delle grandi atrofie ossee dei mascellari
17.30 – 18.15Prof. Roberto CONTE – Impianti iuxta-ossei nelle gravi atrofie mascellari


Saturday, May 4th – 9.00 – 16.00

9.00 – 16.00Dott. Prof. Snjezana Pohl – Aesthetic/Cosmetic Challenges in Daily Practice Advanced Program in Perioplastic Mucogingival Plastic Surgery and “The Bone Shell Technique”

— Tuberosity as a donor site : Tuberosity connective tissue. Particularities,
harvesting, application, complications, and complication management.
— Tuberosity bone block. Harvesting, application, complications, complication
— Composite tuberosity bone block for socket preservation
— Composite tuberosity bone block for immediate ridge reconstruction after removal
of failing implants
— Cortico-cancellous tuberosity for periodontal defects treatment
— Alternative donor sites for the bone shell technique:
– Sinus window bone plate
– Relocated crestal ridge segment


Figure professionali accreditate: Odontoiatri.


Le attività si svolgeranno in presenza nella giornata dal 3 al 4 Maggio 2024.

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Il corso si svolgerà presso Hotel NH Venezia Laguna Palace **** – Viale Ancona, 2, 30172 Venezia VE





Curriculum Relatore

Dott. Prof. Snjezana Pohl

Dr. Prof. Snjezana POHL is both doctor of human and dental medicine. She is a specialist in oral surgery and EDA certificated specialist for periodontology and implantology. Currently she is head of the Department for Oral Surgery in the private clinic Rident, Croatia. Designated as an assistant professor, she additionally is giving lectures at the Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology at the School of Dental Medicine of the University of Rijeka. Since 2015, she is a DentalXP expert and a worldwide lecturer in dental meetings. As an active lecturer and author of scientific papers, in the fields of implantology and periodontology, she underlines the importance of minimally invasive techniques, especially in a comprehensive treatment methodology, based upon preservation of tissues. These techniques include Partial Extraction Therapies, Autogenous Tissue Utilization, Osseodensification and others. She is author of two techniques: mIVAN technique and Buccal sliding palatal flap for wound closure after grafting procedures. Invited Speaker and Faculty at IDEA Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy, Foster City, California, U.S.A. and invited Speaker NYU College of Dentistry Italian Graduates Association.


Dott. Matteo CALLEGARI

He graduated in 2006 from the University of Ferrara. In 1999 he graduated from the professional institute for dental technicians. In 2007 he participated in the annual implantology course held with Dr. Billi M. and LaScala V. In 2008 he participated in the GBR course with Dr. Marco Ronda, at the surgical techniques course with Dr. Chiapasco M and at the 1st International Congress Astratech Italia. In 2010 he attended a weekly course in advanced patient surgery at the University of Bucharest. In 2012 he participated in the course held by Dr. Agabiti I. of sonosurgery in sinuslift and splitcrest with Komet Soniflex. In 2013 he participated in the semester course with Dr. Agnini A. in periodontology. In 2014 he participated in the total rehabilitation course through revitalize at the ZimmerIstitute in Winterthur. In 2015 he started the training course at NYU in NewYork in Implatology, concluded in 2018. Since 2019 tutor at NYU in Italy. In 2014 he presented the first poster for a case report of a prosthetic rehabilitation at ZimmerDay. He is a member of Di & Ra as an active member. From 2017 ZimmerBiomet official speaker. From 2020 official AlignTechnology speaker reserved for iTero Oral Scan training. He works at his own studio and with other colleagues as a consultant.

 Dott. Roberto CONTE

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università di Padova. Diplomato nel Corso di Specialità di Anatomia Implantologica presso l’Universitè Claude Bernard Lyon 1.Docente nel Corso di Specialità di Anatomia Implantologica Università Claude Bernard Lyon 1.Docente nel Corso di Specialità di Anatomia Implantologica Università Jean Monnet Saint Etienne. Autore di pubblicazione su European Journal of Implant Prosthodontics- Autore di pubblicazioni su Dental Cadmos in Italia, ZMK Zahneilkunde, Management Und Kultur in Germania. Relatore e docente in programmi in Implantologia in Italia e all’estero a Belgrado ed Essen. Clinical Coordinator “NYU Tutor Project in Italy” New York University College of Dentistry C.D.E. Italian Graduates Association, Private Practice in Padova -Italy.

Dott. Rolando CRIPPA

In 1984 he graduated with honors in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan and in the same year he obtained the qualification for professional practice. From to 1986 to 2021 he worked at Italian Stomatologic Institute (I.S.I.) in Milan where he was Director of Oral Pathology and Lasertherapy Department. On November 1996 he has received the degree certificate in Maxillo-Facial Surgery Specialty at the University of Milan and, on December 1998 he obtained the Post-graduate in Implantology at the “New York University” College of Dentistry in New York City University. Since 2015 he’s Scientific Director of the ISI Foundation. He is currently Adjunct Professor of the CLSOPD of the University of Genoa (UNIGE) and Adjunct Professor of the School of Specialty in Pediatric Dentistry of University of Padova. He is the Author of numerous scientific articles at national and international level and books on Oral Pathology and Laser Therapy. He is a member of important Italian national (SIPMO, SIOI, SICO, SIDO,SIMSO) and international (ALD, SOLA) scientific societies. Reviewer of impacted scientific journals (LIMS, PMLS). In 2017 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the sector 06 / F1, Odontostomatological diseases, as a Professor of the second band in Italy. Owner of Medical Clinic “Poliambulatorio Belvedere s.r.l.” (Accredited by the Lombardy Region) and “Santè Dental Laser Clinic” of Lugano (CH). He is the Author of numerous articles in national and international scientific journals and books of Oral Pathology and Laser Therapy. Reviewer of impacted scientific journals (LIMS, PhMLS,EJPD). 

Dott. Emiliano FERRARI

È nato, ha studiato, vive e lavora a Bologna. Ha conseguito la maturità odontotecnica presso l’istituto L.Dehon di Bologna nel 1991 con il voto di 60/60 . Si è laureato in Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria presso l’Università di Bologna nel 1996 con il voto di 110/110 e lode Ha frequentato corsi annuali e di perfezionamento in Europa e negli USA. E’ relatore a corsi e congressi ed autore di pubblicazioni in Italia e all’estero. Nel biennio 2010/12 ha frequentato gli Stage di specializzazione del Graduate Program in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation presso la New York University (New York, NY) Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program e, nel giugno 2012, ha conseguito il il “Graduate Certificate in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation”. È attualmente tutor per il programma I.A.N.Y.U.P presso la New York University. 

Dott. Mauro IORIO

Laureato con Lode in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria presso la Facolta di Medicina e Chirurgia di Napoli Federico II, si dedica fin da subito all’ implantologia dentale presentando una tesi sperimentale sull’argomento. Post graduate in Implantology & Oral Rehabilitation New York University nel 2019. Partecipa a numerosi corsi e congressi internazionali in qualit di relatore e Tutor in corsi teorico pratico su paziente. Dal 2019 ai dedica anche alle sistematiche CAD CAM eseguendo in prima persona, rilevazione di impronta digitale, progettazione CAD e produzione CAM di protesi a carico immediato e differito.

Dott. Pierpaolo ROMANO

Laureato in Odontoiatria presso l’Università “Alfonso X El Sabio” di Madrid. Ha frequentato gli stages di perfezionamento in Parodontologia, Implantologia e Chirurgia Orale presso New York University College of Dentistry Linhart Continhiing Dental Education, conseguendo il Final Certificate in Implantology and Oral Surgery presso la New York University 2017-2019. Master Universitario in Parodontologia e Implantologia presso L’Università “Alma Mater Studiorum” di Bologna sotto la direzione del Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli dal 2019-2021. Dal 2020 Tutor della NYU per il “New York University College of Dentistry Italy Tutor Project Program”. Dal 2021 collabora con il reparto di Parodontologia dell’Università “Alma Mater Studiorum” di Bologna sotto la direzione del Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli. Socio Ordinario IAO. Dal 2021 collabora con Bioteck Academy nella pubblicazione di articoli scientifici per la loro rivista online. Libero Professionista allo Studio Dentistico Romano di Castellammare di Stabia (NA).

Prof. Carlo Maria SOARDI

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1979 presso l’ “Università degli Studi di Milano “ Ha subito iniziato la propria attività presso la “Divisione di Chirurgia- Maxillo-Facciale” degli “Spedali Civili di Brescia”.In tale Istituto ha eseguito interventi di grande chirurgia ortopedica dei mascellari,oncologia oro-maxillo-facciale e traumatologia maxillo-facciale. Diploma “Corso di Microchirurgia“ Università degli Studi di Brescia E.U.L.O. “Certificate in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation” NYU College of Dentistry .Dal 2005 al 2006 è stato responsabile del Servizio di Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale della Casa di Cura “San Rocco di Franciacorta“ a Ome Brescia. E’ socio attivo IAO ( Italian Academy of Osseointegration ). E’ socio attivo AIIP (Accademia Italiana Implantologia Protesica ). È stato docente relatore al Corso Post-Graduate in Chirurgia Implantare presso la Scuola post-universitaria San Raffaele Università Vita Salute di Milano. E’ docente relatore del Corso di Perfezionamento in Implantologia Post-Graduate dell’ Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. E’ docente relatore del Master di Chirurgia Avanzata della Universotà “Aldo Moro“ di Bari Collabora in ricerche sulla rigenerazione con osso omologo con “Periodontology Department” prof. H. L.Wang della “University of Michigan” Dal 2012 è prof. a.c. presso il CLOPD dell’Università Alma Mater di Bologna. Dal 2013 è prof. a.c. presso il CLOPD dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.

Dott. Ernesto Vatteroni

Graduated in Florence University in 2000 “with maximum quotation”, finished Master in dental surgery and Implantology in University G.Marconi in Rome and later finished PhD programme in University of Pisa. From 2010 to 2013 Postgraduate in Implantology & Periodontology New York University College of Dentistry, NY (USA). Adjunt Professor in the Masters program in Implantology, University of Pisa. Member of the Italian Dental Council from 2001; regular member of General Dental Council (UK) from 2015. Has worked in dentistry for 22 years managing post extractive sites; immediate loading and regenerative; reconstructive surgery of the jaws. Short, Pterygoid, Zygomatic and Subperiosteal Implants. All tipe of prostheses on implants. Has been invited to speak and lecture at national and international training courses and congresses. Author and coauthor of papers published in national and international scientific journals.

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Event Details

Date: 3 Maggio 2024

Start time: 09:00 CEST

End time: 17:00 CEST

Venue: Venezia

Phone: +390105960362

Email: info@e20srl.com ⁣